(Washington, D.C.) On Wednesday October 29th at 11:00 a.m., hundreds of homeowners will demonstrate and take other actions at the headquarters of Fannie Mae, 3900 Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, DC. ...
Fannie & Freddie Must Act to Make Existing Mortgages Affordable
(Boston, MA) As American taxpayers officially takeover the nation’s two mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (“NACA”), says the government has the opportunity,...
NACA Identifies Continued Predatory Lending by GSE’s
(Washington, D.C.) NACA is holding a press conference at the National Press Club on Tuesday July 29th at 12:00 PM in the Murrow room to expose the Government Sponsored Entities...
NACA Identifies Continued Predatory Lending by Fannie Mae
(Washington, D.C.) NACA is holding a press conference at the National Press Club on Tuesday July 29th at 10:00 a.m. to expose Fannie Mae’s continued activities in predatory lending practices including...
Countrywide Boycott Begins
(Jamaica Plain, MA) On Thursday, October 11th at 12:00 p.m. at NACA’s headquarters (3593 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA), a nationwide boycott of Countrywide Financial Corporation will begin. The boycott...
NACA CEO to Testify at Financial Services Committee
(Washington, D.C.) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America’s (“NACA”) CEO Bruce Marks will be testifying on Thursday September 20th before the House Financial Services Committee. Also testifying will be the Treasury...
Countrywide Borrowers Must be Protected
(Washington, D.C.) On Thursday, August 23, 2007 the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) brought Countrywide borrowers to Washington D.C. to expose Countrywide’s predatory practices at the National Press Club. ...
NACA Calls on Politicians and Regulators to Take Action: Stop Foreclosures and Restructure Loans
(Jamaica Plain, MA) – The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) first exposed Countrywide’s predatory practices, last Thursday August 23rd, by bringing Countrywide borrowers from across the country to the...
Countrywide Borrowers Expose Lender’s Predatory Practices
(Washington, D.C.) The credit crisis is about sub-lenders not sub-prime borrowers. The homeowner’s loans can and must be made affordable to prevent a further disaster. Who: Countrywide borrowers from across...
NACA Makes Calls to Action to Subprime Victims
(Jamaica Plain, MA) Thousands of subprime victims will be responding to NACA’s nationwide Call to Action by meeting at NACA’s 30 offices at 2:00 pm local time on Saturday April...
Homeowners Demonstrate Against Taxpayer Bailout of Wall Street While the Government Abandons At-Risk Homeowners
(New York, NY) On Wednesday, March 26th at 12:00 noon in front of JPMorgan/Chase and Bear Stearns corporate offices at 47th and Park Avenue, hundreds of homeowners will take to...
For the First Time Ever Hundreds of Predatory Lending Victims and Activists to Attend Citigroup’s Annual Meeting
(New York, NY) On Tuesday April 15th at 9:00 a.m. in Carnegie Hall, Sanford Weill, Citigroup’s CEO, will have to respond directly to hundreds of CitiFinancial victims. This will be...