Homeowners Converge on Members of Congress for National Foreclosure Day Action

(Washington DC): On Wednesday, October 22nd at 10:00 a.m. homeowners from around the country will join NACA CEO Bruce Marks at the United Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Avenue, NE in Washington, D.C. to kick off NACA’s “National Foreclosure Day of Action.” Thousands of at-risk homeowners will then converge on Members of Congress’s Washington office or district office to have them advocate for their affordable solution. 

The army of homeowners will visit their member of congress and urge their Congressperson and Senators to advocate for them in achieving their affordable solution.  While NACA has worked with the homeowners to determine and document an affordable mortgage payment, advocacy is still necessary to achieve this solution.  We’re urging congress to advocate for their constituents by urging lenders to approve the NACA solution. This is a continuation of NACA’s Save the Dream Tour that travels the nation lowering unaffordable mortgage payments for many thousands of homeowners.   

This is the first time so many homeowners will converge on Capitol Hill having members of congress get personally involved in saving their homes.  “We need help and we need it now,” said Bo Huber of Miami, FL.  All we want is for our representative to pick up the phone and write letters to our banks advocating on our behalf.” 

Members of Congress have a tremendous amount of influence in assisting their constituents with an unaffordable mortgage.  They have direct access to the lenders who prioritize referrals from Congress and have influence on government owned or guaranteed mortgages that are the most difficult to modify and are being foreclosed on in large numbers.  Also the requirements imposed by the government’s Making Home Affordable program are making other modifications more difficult.  “It is up to Congress to advocate for their constituents,” states Bruce Marks – NACA CEO“. “It is time that members of congress make the government program work and send a message to the lenders that they will not have access or influence unless they modify the mortgages for their constituents.  Our government must side with the millions of average working American who are desperately trying to keep their homes at an affordable payment”. said Marks.   

Please contact NACA’s Communications and Public Affairs Director Darren Duarte, 617-947-2632 or Katina Fields, 704-962-1605 for details.


CUÁNDO: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22Dakota del Norte  at 10:00 a.m.

Acerca de la Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (www.naca.com):
Founded in 1988, NACA is a national non-profit community advocacy and homeownership organization headquartered in Boston. Through its 38 offices nationwide and two call centers, NACA has set the national standard in restructuring thousands of mortgages to what the homeowners can afford.

News of NACA’s program and advocacy has been featured in national and local media. The Boston Globe has chosen Bruce Marks, founder and CEO of NACA, as its 2007 Bostonian of the Year. There is tremendous recognition for the effectiveness of NACA’s advocacy and for setting the national standard in providing real, affordable homeownership solutions for working people. Bostoniano del año.