(BOSTON) – Starting Thursday May 14e NACA, America’s largest HUD certified counseling agency, is conducting a series of massive four-day virtual homebuying events. NACA is changing the face of mortgage lending nationwide by counseling thousands of homebuyers each day and providing access to an extraordinary mortgage: no down-payment, no closing costs, no fees at a below market fixed rate (3.0% 30-year and 2.375% 15-year as of 5/14/20). While lenders are tightening their underwriting, NACA, with $15 billion of this outstanding mortgage, uses character-based underwriting to qualify buyers instead of credit scores.
Ces virtuels Réalisez les événements de rêve take advantage of NACA’s state of the art technology to allow thousands of primarily low- to moderate income homebuyers to access NACA’s Meilleur en Amérique mortgage program to buy a home with the best terms in the country. Many homebuyers will be NACA Qualified (i.e. equivalent of pre-approval) the same-day, all without leaving the comfort and safety of their homes.
NACA’s technology allows homebuyers to submit all necessary documents electronically and meet with a NACA counselor via teleconference creating a virtual environment. NACA provides comprehensive counseling and access to the NACA mortgage to thousands of homebuyers over the four-day event. Additional events are scheduled through May with more coming in June to meet the tremendous demand.
NACA Founder and CEO Bruce Marks said, “The virtual Achieve the Dream Events allow us to maintain the unprecedented success we created with our live Achieve the Dream events and transfer it into an entirely online environment. This not only allows NACA to continue to create new homeownership opportunities on a massive scale, but to also make every event a nationwide event instead of a local or regional one, all the while protecting the health and safety of the participants and staff. It’s all hands-on deck for our team. Nothing like this has ever been done before in the history of mortgage lending, especially at this scale.”
NACA will have more than 250 counselors from coast to coast participating in the events, which means homeownership counseling will be happening on a scale not seen since NACA’s historic “Save the Dream” events during the mortgage crisis. Advance registration for the first week’s event is already at capacity of over 7,500 homebuyers, and the following weeks are filling rapidly.
Les événements virtuels Réalisez le rêve auront les mêmes quatre étapes de base :
- Assistez à une version en ligne de l'atelier des acheteurs de maison de la NACA pour apprendre comment fonctionne le programme NACA et pour apprendre comment devenir membre de la NACA.
- Téléchargez les documents requis dans leur fichier NACA.
- Meet with a NACA counselor to determine readiness for homeownership and an affordable payment.
- Rencontrez un souscripteur NACA pour être qualifié NACA (c'est-à-dire pré-approuvé) ou pour les prochaines étapes.
Bruce Marks a poursuivi : « Ces événements donneront non seulement aux acheteurs de maison l'opportunité continue de profiter des conditions imbattables du programme NACA, mais le feront à une échelle jamais vue auparavant dans l'histoire américaine. Les événements en ligne Réalisez vos rêves vont changer l'industrie hypothécaire telle que nous la connaissons et rendre l'accession à la propriété abordable accessible à un plus grand nombre de personnes que jamais auparavant.
Liens médias :
Fox 4 Dallas :
CBS 3 Philadelphie :
Témoignage de Maria Lara :
CNBC à l'événement de Miami :
L'information et l'inscription aux Ateliers pour acheteurs de maison et aux événements Réalisez vos rêves sont en cours
Started in 1988, NACA is the largest HUD-Certified nonprofit, community advocacy, and homeownership organization in the United States. NACA has been the forefront in fighting predatory lending and has been the most effective organization in providing affordable solutions to over 250,000 homeowners. NACA provides the best mortgage in the country through its 48 offices nationwide. NACA’s founder and CEO Bruce Marks was named Bostonien de l'année pour 2007 en raison de son travail visant à amener les principaux prêteurs et prestataires de services à modifier les prêts immobiliers. Il a également témoigné devant le Congrès à de nombreuses reprises, notamment le 12 septembre 2000, étant l'un des rares à sonner l'alarme de la crise hypothécaire imminente. Pour plus d'informations, s'il vous plaît visitez