(Boston, MA) O Boston Globe escolheu Bruce Marks, fundador e CEO da Neighbourhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), como o Bostonian do ano em 2007. Isto é um...
NACA chama plano de resgate de hipotecas do presidente Bush sem precedentes, mas com impacto muito limitado
(Boston, MA) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, (NACA) recognizes the extraordinary precedent that President Bush is taking to address the mortgage crisis, but it critical of its limited impact...
NACA chama o plano de resgate de hipoteca um começo, mas não tem força para salvar casas
(Boston, MA) A Neighbourhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) aplaude o plano esperado da indústria de hipotecas de congelar as taxas de juros para tomadores de empréstimos subprime, mas teme que o negócio não vá longe o suficiente ....
NACA e Acordo de âmbito nacional visto como a melhor solução de prevenção de execução hipotecária
(Washington, D.C.) “Help Now” for homeowners at risk of foreclosure is what members of the House Financial Services Committee are calling the agreement between the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America...
NACA & Countrywide Setting the Lending Standard
(Washington, DC) Thanks to a legal agreement between the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and Countrywide Financial Corporation, tens of thousands of homeowners at risk of foreclosure will now...
Countrywide and NACA Announce Groundbreaking Initiative to Help Borrowers Preserve Homeownership
(Washington, D.C.) Countrywide Financial Corporation (NYSE:CFC) and the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) announce a joint initiative aimed at their common goal of preserving homeownership. NACA will assist Countrywide...
Break Through in Foreclosure Prevention
(Washington, D.C.) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America will announce the first major breakthrough that will provide unprecedented homeownership opportunities for many working people at risk of foreclosure, including the...
Boicote em todo o país começa
(Jamaica Plain, MA) On Thursday, October 11th at 12:00 p.m. at NACA’s headquarters (3593 Washington Street, Jamaica Plain, MA), a nationwide boycott of Countrywide Financial Corporation will begin. The boycott...
CEO da NACA deve testemunhar no Comitê de Serviços Financeiros
(Washington, D.C.) The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America’s (“NACA”) CEO Bruce Marks will be testifying on Thursday September 20th before the House Financial Services Committee. Also testifying will be the Treasury...
Countrywide Borrowers Must be Protected
(Washington, D.C.) On Thursday, August 23, 2007 the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) brought Countrywide borrowers to Washington D.C. to expose Countrywide’s predatory practices at the National Press Club. ...
NACA apela a políticos e reguladores para agirem: pare as execuções hipotecárias e reestruture os empréstimos
(Jamaica Plain, MA) - A Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) expôs pela primeira vez as práticas predatórias da Countrywide, na última quinta-feira, 23 de agosto, trazendo mutuários da Countrywide de todo o país para o ...
Mutuários em todo o país expõem as práticas predatórias do credor
(Washington, DC) A crise de crédito tem a ver com subcredores e não com tomadores de empréstimos subprime. Os empréstimos do proprietário podem e devem ser acessíveis para evitar um desastre futuro. Quem: Mutuários de todo o país ...