

COMPENSATION: $25/hr. – $30+hr.

FLSA: Non-Exempt

LOCATION: San Antonio, TX

CONTACT: 工作@naca.com

BENEFITS: Comprehensive package: single/family health, vision, dental, 401(k) and more

WEBSITE:  www.naca.com


康复专家 (“RS”) 在位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的 NACA 家庭和社区发展 (HAND) 部门工作。 HAND 支持 NACA 的使命,即提供 NACA 的美国最佳抵押贷款,主要关注中低收入购房者,同时振兴全国社区。作为 NACA Mortgage 的一部分,可以托管资金用于在关闭后完成的维修和翻新,HAND 会监督此过程。 

RS 负责评估、处理和管理与所有住房条件相关的批准和监督,因为它们适用于 NACA 的健康、规范、安全、结构和一般宜居性要求的财产标准,以及任何愿望清单维修。他/她将在支持特定市场的小团队中的开放环境中工作。与会员、承包商、供应商和其他人就提交检查、投标、康复预算、项目批准、付款程序和整体康复项目管理保持持续沟通。他/她为 NACA 购房者提供装修指导和教育,同时完成康复职责并遵守 NACA 的客户服务标准。 RS 与 HAND 董事密切合作,负责成员、贷方、供应商、办公室和计划支持。 RS 还及时有效地工作,确保满足 NACA 管理层设定的部门目标和指标。


This position requires assessment and remediation of all property defects. In their role the HRS:

  • Educates Members, real estate agents, HAND vendors and NACA staff about the rehab requirements and process as it relates to NACA’s property condition standards.
  • 根据既定政策和国家方向对活动进行优先排序。
  • 与会员、供应商、房地产经纪人和其他人进行定期和直接的电话沟通,以支持每笔交易。
  • 审查上传的财产检查报告,以评估规范、安全、结构和健康缺陷。
  • 审查检查、评估、工作记录、投标和额外成本信息,以确定创建最终康复预算和批准康复所需的工作范围和成本。
  • 批准与成员合作的最终康复预算,以使用项目承包商的最终投标完成工作范围。
  • 审查并清除协商卖方完成维修的重新检查。
  • 与贷方合作解决最终的康复修复条件,以确保贷款批准。
  • 授权启动项目,监控康复进度,沟通变更、付款和解决项目争议的选项,并与成员和贷方合作,直到项目完成。
  • 根据需要执行与启动项目、审查检查报告、变更单以及其他 HAND 和 NACA 职责相关的其他职能。
  • 从确定房产到贷款结束,并在适用的情况下通过项目管理,通知成员并为 HAND 修复过程做好准备。 
  • 在部门内和办公室内与其他工作人员有效合作,以支持适用于 HAND 政策和程序的成员和供应商教育。
  • 坚持NACA为所有会员、NACA员工、同事和附属机构提供的会员服务标准,坚持办公室专业精神。
  • 需要坐在办公桌前,体力活动有限且经常使用电脑。
  • Adhere to timeline for inspection review, rehab cost determination, repair approval and other timeline requirements.
  • 跟进会员、房地产经纪人、供应商、NACA 工作人员、国家管理层和其他人员。
  • Additional duties may be required such as evaluation reports, repair waiver requests work write ups, re-inspections and seller invoice review, and any new duties.   


  • 随时保持至少 75 到 125 个康复项目的管道。
  • 保持对会员、供应商和贷方的客户服务满意度。
  • Rehab minimum daily requirements – Complete 20 to 25 reviews a day, based on duty assignments. This includes property inspections, evaluations and bid review, clearing lender conditions, approving final rehab budget, project approvals, change order requests, and other assigned duties. Management may change the requirements at its sole discretion.

Advocacy in Support of NACA’s Mission

Participate in advocacy campaigns as needed. NACA continues its aggressive advocacy in fighting for economic justice for low to moderate income and people of color by addressing the racial wealth disparity gap and other issues. Employment with NACA requires ongoing participation in NACA’s advocacy, campaigns, outreach, community organizing, and other activities as determined by NACA. This includes supporting and actively promoting NACA’s tactics and mission of fighting for economic justice.  This is also important for NACA’s continued success and in expanding NACA’s purchase and other programs. NACA staff have a tremendous impact on the Members and communities they serve. For more information about NACA or its history and programs, visit www.naca.com.


The Rehab Specialist must be able to meet the demands of the job that consists of 40 to 50 hours per week with overtime as permitted and necessary.  Typical working hours are 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays. Based on performance, volume and workload, weekend work may be required to complete tasks ensuring closing timetables are met. The HRS is expected to work within the required schedule with no or limited need for overtime unless otherwise required or approved.


The compensation is between $50,000 and $65,000 based on an hourly pay of $25 to $30 an hour.  The candidate’s performance evaluation and future compensation is largely based on meeting the job responsibilities, competencies and skills stated herein. 


NACA 寻求具有积极和开放态度、强烈的职业道德和对成功的不懈承诺,注重细节并有能力满足紧迫的截止日期和雄心勃勃的目标的领导者。他/她应该在以下领域拥有高水平的核心能力和技能,包括个人特征和专业经验:沟通、组织技能、专业技能、专业精神、客户服务、时间管理、积极领导、计算机技能和以使命为导向。这 核心能力和技能 详细描述在 www.naca.com.


  • 高中毕业或同等学历 - 必需
  • Bachelor’s degree in Residential Construction Related Fields – Preferred
  • License(s) or Certification(s) in one or more residential repair trade services – Preferred
  • Mortgage and/or real estate courses- Preferred

Experience & Skills 

  • 五年或以上与住宅或商业建筑、维护和检查服务相关的现场经验(即建筑商、总承包商、住宅物业检查员、建筑师、结构工程师、保险理算员、安全和规范专家等)。
  • 当地和州建筑规范、许可证和许可要求的区域知识。
  • 强大的计算机技能和熟悉 Microsoft Office。
  • 多户物业管理、房地产经纪经验和/或知识——首选。
  • 能够写和说英语以外的语言,尤其是西班牙语,是一个加分项。


Applicants can submit an application by selecting the Apply Button below.

NACA is an equal opportunity employer. Minority and bilingual individuals, particularly those who speak and write in Spanish, as well as second chance applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. To follow-up and for inquiries regarding this and other positions contact NACA’s HR Department at [email protected] or call 617-250-6222 ext. 1221.

This job description is solely for descriptive purposes with NACA reserving the right to make unilateral changes to this job description including the compensation for all staff or on an individual basis. NACA may also change the compensation during campaigns, activities and events at its discretion. This does not constitute a contract for employment. Nothing herein shall limit NACA in its sole discretion from terminating a Counselor for any reason or no reason with employment on an “at-will” basis.


NACA has more than three million Members and 47 offices. NACA has established an outstanding record of success over four decades for its effective operations and aggressive advocacy against predatory and discriminatory lenders. NACA stands out in the following areas:

  1. Provides the best mortgage in America with no down payment, no closing costs, no fees, no mortgage insurance, at a below market fixed rate without consideration of one’s credit score;
  2. Is the largest and most effective HUD approved counseling organization;
  3. Has been on the forefront of fighting against abusive and discriminatory lending practices; and
  4. Saved more than 500,000 homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage from foreclosure during the mortgage crisis.